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Actually: 641 (taken stars)!Garde champêtre Garde champêtre (objectif Nîmes/Gard) - country guard 2MASS J03050181+0114348
Gargamel Célèbre sorcier (gagnant) 2MASS J03013635+0123548
George Washington President of USA, famous (probably a galaxy) 2MASS J03020640+0108290
Ghost Ava Max (Ghost) 2MASS J03012976+0057340
Google - On Wikipedia page. 2MASS J03012299+0121427
Gorbatchev Russian president 2MASS J03014379+0114332
Gott Gott (Alban) 2MASS J03015575+0052546
Goulag Toutes celles que je ne supporte pas dans des goulags 2MASS J03035366+0110196
Gustave Eiffel Tour Eiffel famous created by Gustave Eiffel 2MASS J03025208+0109536
Gutenberg Gutenberg 2MASS J03021367+0109029
HERCULE HERCULE 2MASS J03024554+0058070
Halloween Halloween 2MASS J03024714+0105360
Hedi Ralla Possible english name (combinaison) I have in this life 2MASS J03022119+0110123
Hedi Hedi english first name (from Hedwig) 2MASS J03025140+0110535
Hedwig Hedwig male name (aussi Hedi) 2MASS J03031463+0112595
Hellboy Hellboy wellknown - Le Diable 2MASS J03015066+0112034
Henry 8 King of the world (star of Alban) 2MASS J03021216+0101067
Hercule Hercule (a full galaxy) 2MASS J03024535+0110370
Hercules Hercules 2MASS J03024554+0058070
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