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Get a star in the sky with Estrellos!

You can also sometimes get full galaxies! Actually most stars
are from constellation Virgo (near star "Alban" Hip. 67412).

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The name of the star (or galaxy/other):

Real Magic

Description for the star (or galaxy/other):

👉 Real Magic (Coke galaxy)

The reference of the star (or galaxy/other):

📙 2MASS J03012296+0117283

The real photo of the star (or galaxy/other):

Owner (and information if necessary):

🔑 MT (Alban)

Owner (email):

📧 mutinustitinus@mutinustitinus.com

Official link of the star:

🌐 http://www.estrellos.com/star.php?n=Real Magic

🔍 Search link should appear: Real Magic

🛒 Shopping link should appear: Real Magic

📈 This star/page indicates 272 time(s) load(s).

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The best way to get your stars - Star systems (systèmes stellaires) - Service fully functional
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Mutinus Titinus SIRET (F): 949 997 910 00011, Alban/PBP (D. ART)
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